2015 AA, Photography, Foothill College



2021 Photoville, My Park Moment, San Francisco Presidio

2020 Peninsula Photo Contest, 1st Place & Best of Show, Palo Alto Art Center

Jurors: Federica Armstrong, Don Feria, Magali Guathier, John Todd

 2019 Noir-Black & White Photography, 1st Place, Pacific Art League

Juror: Daniel Garcia

 2018 Africa, The Struggle of Beauty, Wildlife Photography, Pacific Art League

 2018 Surrounded By Reality Street Photography, Harvey Milk Photo Center

Jurors: Michael Kirschner, Jim Watkins, RE Casper, Dennis Englander, Dave Christensen

 2018 “Best Photo” Photography Exhibition, Harvey Milk Photo Center

Jurors: Dave Christensen & Kristi Lewis

 2017 Photography Exhibition, 1st Place, Pacific Art League

Juror: Andy Wegst

 2015 Viewpoints, Foothill College Photographic Portfolio Collection, PhotoCentral